How I Progressed from 1 Minute Plank to 20 Seconds L-Sit in a Month on a Garri-Centric Diet

How I Progressed from 1 Minute Plank to 20 Seconds L-Sit in a Month on a Garri-Centric Diet

If you told me last month that I’d be holding a 20-second L-sit while living on garri and peanuts, I’d have laughed you out of the room—and then probably begged you for some rice. But here I am, telling you that it’s possible. Yes, I, who started with a trembling, jelly-legged 1-minute plank, am now sitting in an L-position like I’m auditioning for a calisthenics superhero movie.

It all started when I decided that saving up for a Samsung Galaxy S10e was more important than eating like a king. Vlogging alongside blogging has always been a dream, and let’s face it, you need some quality tech to make it big these days. So, I made a critical financial decision: cut down on food expenses and invest heavily in garri. After all, who needs variety when you’ve got carbohydrates, right?

Garri: The Humble Hero of My Journey

Garri, the fine, sandy savior of students and budget-conscious individuals everywhere, became my new best friend. Let’s not even talk about how it expands when you add water. I mean, you could watch that stuff rise and think you’re getting a whole meal out of it—until you actually start eating.

To make things slightly more interesting (and to avoid fainting from a total lack of protein), I decided to throw in some peanuts. Yes, peanuts—the poor man's chicken breast. Every handful of peanuts became my “protein shake,” and every time I stirred garri in water, I felt like a Michelin-star chef, whipping up a culinary masterpiece. But I digress.

My new motto was, "Plank hard, eat harder." Or should I say, "Eat garri harder"?

From Planks to L-Sits: The Progress Begins

Now, I started this whole thing with a plank—a basic, foundational exercise. You know the drill: get into position, hold on for dear life, and wait for your body to start questioning all your life choices. My first attempt at a plank lasted a solid 60 seconds. And by "solid," I mean shaky, quivering, with sweat dripping off my forehead like I was in the Sahara desert.

But I was determined. I said to myself, “If you can hold a 1-minute plank, you can definitely push yourself to something as cool-sounding as the L-sit.” I mean, come on, it’s got an ‘L’ in it! That’s got to mean it’s legendary.

Planking on Garri Power

With each passing day, my meals were looking simpler, but my planks were getting stronger. I’d eat my bowl of garri, stare at my reflection (which, by the way, was starting to look more and more like a person who’s one with the streets), and hit the ground for another plank session.

After two weeks of this, I could hold a plank for well over a minute. My core was getting stronger, even if my taste buds were getting increasingly bored. But I wasn’t about to give up. Besides, garri was cheaper than the gas cooker I needed to cook anything more complicated, so the choice was clear. Plus, every time I held a plank for longer than before, I felt like I was leveling up in a video game. 

The L-Sit: A Whole New World of Pain

Now, let me tell you about the L-sit. For the uninitiated, it’s when you prop yourself up on your hands, extend your legs straight out in front of you, and try not to scream internally as your abs burn like they’re in a calisthenics BBQ.

My first attempt at an L-sit was laughable. I mean, I managed to lift myself about half an inch off the ground before collapsing back into my sad pile of peanuts. But I wasn’t discouraged. After all, anything is possible when your only alternative is doing another plank, right?

Suffering for the Future: Why I Chose This Path

The truth is, I wasn’t just doing this for the gains. I was doing it because I believe that without a little suffering, true happiness means nothing. I’d rather sweat and struggle now than resort to shortcuts like fraud (yahoo), gambling, or other illegal means of making money. As a Muslim, I always remind myself that Allah is watching, and I’d rather earn my success the right way, even if it means eating garri and peanuts until I get my Samsung S10e.

It’s not just about building muscle; it’s about building character. I’m convinced that when I finally hold that vlogging phone in my hands, the taste of victory will be even sweeter than all the garri I’ve consumed.

without a little suffering, true happiness means nothing
without a little suffering, true happiness means nothing

The Month of Progress: From 1 Minute Plank to 20 Seconds L-Sit

By the third week, something amazing happened. My abs had officially entered “is this a six-pack forming?” territory, and my planks were almost effortless. It was time to fully embrace the L-sit.

I positioned myself, took a deep breath, and with all the power of my garri-fueled core, I lifted into a proper L-sit. I held it for 5 seconds. Then 10. By the end of the month, I managed to hold a 20-second L-sit without falling over or dislocating any body parts. It was a miracle. Well, a miracle fueled by garri, determination, and some peanuts.

Conclusion: The Power of Perseverance (and Garri)

So here I am, one month later, stronger than I’ve ever been, with a solid 20-second L-sit under my belt and an even stronger appreciation for humble meals. This journey has taught me that you don’t need fancy diets or expensive gym equipment to make progress—sometimes, all you need is a bit of garri, a lot of patience, and the willpower to push through.

As I continue saving up for that Samsung Galaxy S10e, I’m reminded that fitness is not just about the body, but also the mind. I’ll keep planking, keep L-sitting, and keep dreaming—because if I can survive on garri for a month and build abs in the process, I can do anything. 
