How My Client Trained to Impress Girls at Swimming Class

As a personal trainer, I've encountered all sorts of fitness goals. From the classic "I want to lose weight" to the ambitious "I want to run a marathon," nothing can freak me anymore. Or so I thought. That is, until Paul walked into the gym I was working at, with a goal so unique, so bizarre, it could only be described as... legendary.

Paul's mission: to get as many girls as possible in an upcoming swimming class. Yes, you read that right. Not a date, not a phone number—he wanted the full poolside experience. Naturally, I felt entertained and slightly bewildered. Was this a fitness goal or an episode of a reality TV show? Either way, I was in.

How He Consulted me...

When Paul first mentioned his objective, I nearly choked on my tigernut milk. He stood there, a vision he'd probably had for years, holding a crumpled flyer for the A2E Fitness Center's swim class. 

"Look, Malik," he said, with the gravity of a man on a mission. "I need your help. I’ve been eyeing this swimming class for months, and I’ve heard it’s packed with ladies. But, uh, I need to make an impression."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you think a personal trainer is the way to go?"

"Of course! 😁" he nodded vigorously. "I need to be in peak physical condition. Chiseled. Like a Greek god. Can you do that?"

I took a long sip of my milk, pondering the madness of it all. But then again, who was I to deny a man his dream? "Paul," I said, setting down my shaker. "Let’s make you irresistible."

The Training Began...

We began with the basics: cardio, strength training, and flexibility. However, given Paul's specific goal, we had to get creative. 

The Poolside Pose...

Thankfully, I had a swimming class myself when I was a Fresher in the University, so I introduced him to various poses. Our first innovation was the "poolside pose." This involved Paul perfecting a casual, yet impressive stance he could strike when entering the pool area. We spent hours working on the perfect combination of relaxed muscles and bulging biceps. The aim was to appear as if he isn't flexing his muscles, and yet awe-inspiring. Like Brad Pitt in Fight Club, but with a little less madness.

The Flex-and-Swim...

Next, we developed the "flex-and-swim" technique. Paul needed to look good in motion, not just while standing still. This meant swimming laps with intermittent bicep curls and tricep dips at the pool's edge. Sure, it looked ridiculous, but the results were undeniable. 

The Confidence Boosters...

Of course, physical appearance wasn’t everything. Paul also needed confidence, so I threw in some self-affirmation exercises. He had to look himself in the mirror every morning and say, "I am Paul, Lord of the Pool." It was cheesy, but hear me out, confidence is key.

The Dietary Plan...

Training wasn’t just about workouts. We had to get Paul on a diet that would give him the lean, muscular look he craved. 

The Protein Parade

First, I introduced him to the world of tigernut milk, grilled chicken, and more egg whites than you could shake a whisk at. Paul had never eaten so clean in his life. His usual diet of bread and coke was replaced with rice and efo-riro.

The Hydration Wahala...

Then there was hydration. To avoid any embarrassing muscle cramps during his lessons, Paul carried a water bottle everywhere. He was basically a walking water reservoir, but it was a small price to pay for poolside perfection. "quoted by Thanos 😉" 

The Big Day

Finally, the day of the swim class arrived. Paul was a bundle of nerves and visibly terrified, but he looked incredible. As he walked into the gym, I gave him one last pep talk.

"Remember, Paul," I said, clapping a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You’ve trained for this. You’ve got the looks, the moves, and the confidence. Just be yourself. Well, the new, improved, ripped version of yourself."

He nodded, took a deep breath, and we took a bus to campus. We got down from the bus and walked towards the OAU swimming pool. Paul was strutting towards the pool like a peacock on steroids.

The Hilarious Outcome...

As Paul stepped into the pool area, heads did indeed turn. He executed the poolside pose flawlessly. He chatted with the girls, flexed a few muscles, and even managed to pull off the flex-and-swim without drowning. 😂

But then, things took an unexpected turn. One of the girls, apparently unimpressed by mere muscles, challenged Paul to a race. Not just any race, but a 200-meter freestyle. Paul, bless his heart, accepted.

The Race

Now, Paul was fit, but his swimming skills were, shall we say, a work in progress. The race started, and within seconds, he was fighting like a fish out of water. He flailed, he gasped, he might have swallowed half the pool. Meanwhile, the girl glided through the water like a mermaid on a mission.

The Revelation...

By the time Paul reached the finish line, the girl had already toweled off and was enjoying a post-race smoothie. However, something incredible happened. Instead of mocking him, the girls gathered around, offering tips and encouragement. They admired his effort, his determination, and most importantly, his sense of humor about the whole ordeal.

Paul didn’t get the win he envisioned, but he did make a lot of new friends. More importantly, he learned that impressing people isn’t just about looks or muscles; it’s about confidence, effort, and a good laugh.

The Aftermath

Paul returned to the gym the next day, a little humbler but a lot happier. He thanked me profusely and even brought me a thank-you gift - a corn.

"Malik," he said, "I might not have gotten all the girls, but I got something better. I got a lesson in being myself. And also, a killer six-pack."

I couldn’t have been prouder. As a personal trainer, it’s not just about helping clients achieve their physical goals, but also about helping them grow as individuals. 


So, there you have it. The tale of how I, helped a client with one of the most unusual goals imaginable. It was a wild ride filled with laughs, hard work, and a few near-drowning incidents. But in the end, it was all worth it.

If you ever find yourself with a crazy fitness goal, remember Paul's story. Sometimes, the journey is more important than the destination. And always, always remember to laugh at yourself along the way.

Be Fit, be a Jymer.
